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- 滑县道口北斗星静电分离设备厂商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第13年主体名称:滑县道口北斗星静电分离设备厂组织机构代码:410526601000220
- 报价
- 请来电询价
- 北斗星
- PVC包装磨粉设备
- 河南
- 安阳
- 关键词
- PVC包装磨粉设备,硬质塑料磨粉机
- 所在地
- 河南省安阳市滑县道口卫西开发区18号
- 联系电话
- 0372-8118690
- 手机
- 13213287684
- 销售经理
- 李建堂 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
- 请卖家联系我
Scope ofapplication:
1. Mainly used in the field of hard PVC recycling, such asdefective goods and leftover bits and pieces of PVC pipes, sectionbars and plates, PVC packaging and leftover bits and pieces ofaluminum plastic tablets, and milling of ABS, PS, PA, PC and otherplastics.
2. The minimum and maximum diameters ofthe millstone of the PE mill are 350mmand 800mm respectively,and the PE mill belongs to the series of millstone-type mills. Itis widely used in impact-resistant and fragile materials withmoderate hardness, such as PE, PVC, PP, ABS, PA, EVA, PET, PS, PPS,EPS, PC, foam and cow leather.
Structural feature:
1. The new cutter structure, strong collision between materials andshear crushing of the stationary blade plate in terms of thehigh-speed centrifugal force of the rotating blade.
2. The use of air-cooled and water-cooled combination haseffectively controlled the temperature for crushing materials andsolved the problem of degeneration, melting and charring ofheat-sensitive plastics after grinding and otherproblems.
3. The grinding chamber of the machine can be opened, so that thecutter can be easily repaired and replaced.
4. It is equipped with the vibration screening equipment, so thatmaterials whose powder particles cannot meet the requirements shallbe returned to the mill for re-milling.
5. It is equipped with negative pressure feeding and dust removaldevices, while improving the discharge speed of materials, avoidthe occurrence of worn fan impellers due to the previous positivepressure discharge in the past, and dust in the process of millinghas also been effectively recovered.
6. The electrical control part uses the domestic well-known brand,and the host part uses the star-delta starting mode, reducing thestart-up current and increasing the service life of themotor.
成立日期 | 2007年07月18日 | ||
法定代表人 | 李建堂 | ||
注册资本 | 50 | ||
主营产品 | 铜米机,铝塑分离设备,PCB电路板回收处理设备,电子垃圾回收处理设备,废电线回收处理设备,静电分离设备 | ||
经营范围 | 铝、铜、塑料粉碎分离设备销售 | ||
公司简介 | 简介滑县道口北斗星静电分离设备厂是国内有数的几个再生资源循环利用企业之一,专业从事废旧铝塑分离的设备有:铝塑板、娃哈哈瓶盖、铝塑管、药片包装及边角料等铝塑复合材料的分离设备;铜塑分离设备有:废旧电线、电缆、废旧电路板覆铜板及边角料、电路板钻孔粉、铜塑管等铜塑复合材料的分离设备。其它有:汽车密封条分离设备、高压静电选矿、粉煤灰脱碳、塑料与沙子的分离、茶叶与茶杆的分离等任何导体与非导体的分离设备。 ... |
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