内黄县FedEx快递服务电话 安阳内黄县FedEx快递发货指南
At present, FedEx providesinternational economic express services and international economicexpress heavy cargo services to many countries and regions aroundthe world. Since the launch of the above two services in China in2009, FedEx has been committed to providing customers with flexibleservice choices, helping them connect to the world in a moreefficient and economical way. The main features of FedExInternational Economic Express Service and FedEx InternationalEconomic Express Heavy Cargo Service include:
Competitive prices
Delivery is usually completedwithin 2 to 5 working days
Provide 24-hour tracking ofshipment status through FedEx website and email notificationletters
Proxy customsclearance
On time delivery guarantee[1]
The upgraded internationaleconomic express services and international economic express heavycargo services are supplements to FedEx's international serviceportfolio. FedEx International Services also include FedExInternational Priority Express Services designed specifically formore urgent shipments, FedEx International Priority Express HeavyCargo Services, FedEx International Priority Processing Services,and FedEx International Priority Distribution ExpressServices.